
  • Involvement in Research (infra-)structures

    I am involved in the following research (infra)structures:
    • ELIXIR/EXCELERATE H2020 European infrastructure project: ELIXIR is an intergovernmental organisation that brings together life science resources from across Europe. The goal of ELIXIR is to coordinate these resources so that they form a single infrastructure. ELIXIR includes 21 member states (called nodes). ELIXIR has several workpackages divided into (i) platforms (Data, Tools, Interoperability, Compute and Training) and (ii) use cases (Human Data, Rare Diseases, Marine Metagenomics, Plant Sciences). In the context of ELIXIR/EXCELERATE, I am responsible of the French node on the WP5 workpackage (Interoperability) and responsible (European level) of the WP5/WP7 link, that is, the link between the Interoperability platform and the Plant use case.
    • Paris-Saclay Center for Data Sciences (CDS): CDS has been designed to combine all of the multidisciplinary skills required for analysing huge amounts of data: researchers and engineers in data science (involving a large number of mathematic and computer science domains including databases, data mining, (statistical) machine learning, knowledge representation, visualisation...), data specialists (involving a large number of domains including life sciences, medecince, astronomy, social sciences...). I am member of the steering commitee of CDS, responsible of the relationships with the Life Sciences projects and with the master student events (e.g., Junior conference 2017).
    • Labex Digicosme working group Data to Knowledge: member of the working group.

  • Member of Editorial Board
  • PC Member
  • Reviewer